Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Get Away

As many of you know, I am the primary care giver for my grandmother. I live with her and do my best to make her comfortable as I can. I have lots of aunts that come in and help and my uncle cooks every day, thankfully I don't do this alone. She has a visiting nurse practitioner that comes out each week to check her blood work and all the other, so I really do get too burned out. But some times I do need to get away and this week, I went to my daughters for 3 days. It was a nice visit with her and two of my grandchildren. Of course I bought a vintage handkerchief that I will put on my site later.

Next week I hope to get away again for an overnight stay some where too. Maybe I'll go to Bardstown. I really had a nice time there.

Anyway, I have put some of my things on sale on my website. Check out the sale page for some discounts. Also the quilt kits have reduced prices as well.


Inka Smith said...

That is so awesome that you take care of your Grandmother. I am so glad that you got to take a break for a little while. Hope you get to do it again. We all need to refill our bucket so we can give back to others.

Carolyn Kocman said...

what kind of plant is that??? it looks like it's in the rhodadendron it? i wish you would have gotten a pic of the sun ON the flowers so i could see a little better. anyway, please tell us more about it...

Anonymous said...


Lovely plant, I'm not sure what kind it is though. Happy to hear that your grandmother is feeling a little better. I am equally happy to know that you are getting some time to yourself. You deserve it.


Patricia said...

Hi, Janet. So glad you got a few days at your daughters. You did the right thing by taking some time for yourself, burn out is not joke!

That plant looks like a rhodie to me. Will check out your website later on tonight.


Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Janet ~ I am so glad that you got to get away to your daughters ~ I am sure that was a nice rest ~

I haven't got a clue what that plant is ~ hmmmm ~

Unknown said...

Dear Janet,

You are truly the sweetest lady. I know you have a big heart with the way you take such good care of your grandmother. Thank God you have help from your uncles and aunts. It would be too hard on you if you didn't have that. I'm so happy you got to spend some time with your darling daughter and her children. You need that time to enjoy. I admire that you do interviews,sew and still have time to take care of your grandmother. The plant is so pretty. I love to see green. I am so blessed to see quite alot of it here in West Palm Beach. And I can never get enough. Thank you for offering a giveaway.
Even if I don't win I am glad I stopped by to say hello. One more thing. I noticed that you plan to go to France? It's on the side of your blog. I hope you do Janet. France is so beautiful. I was there in 1989. A long time ago,but I haven't forgotten.
P.S. sorry my comment was sooo long! lol
Take Care Janet!
Janet Bernasconi
Janet's Creative Pillows

Deb said...

Hi Janet......the plant is so pretty but I don't know what it is??? I'm glad you are getting to take a mini-vacation and get some much-needed R&R. I hope you have a wonderful time....come back and tell us about!

Pink hugs,